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Perkin Land and Cattle Company is proud to be working with PRIDE Seeds and Legend Seeds.


At PRIDE Seeds, the focus is on creating a unique product experience that results in higher  profits for its customers.


PRIDE Seeds is part of AgReliant Genetics, one of the fastest growing seed businesses in North America, and owned by the two largest non-agrochemical seed businesses in the world.


2015 marks the 65th anniversary of the PRIDE Seeds brand in Canada. Sixty-five years represents a significant milestone symbolizing not only the company’s long-term commitment to agriculture in Canada, but also its commitment to higher returns for customers in the future.


PRIDE Seeds is focused on seed, plain and simple, with one of the largest breeding and testing programs globally. Its independence allows PRIDE Seeds to focus on seed, and, most importantly, genetic performance.


State of the art production technology and practices ensure a high quality seed product. PRIDE Seeds starts with the best Canadian seed producers in both corn and soybeans to ensure a quality product from the field. From there, the company’s professionals use the latest processing, grading and packaging equipment at its two Ontario seed corn plans to ensure a high quality product in every bag..







Legend seeds is solely focused on selling quality seed with supportive agronomic background. Legend seeds has been in the business for over 25 years proving to be one of the largest independent corn and soybean companies in North America.


We hold customer support to the utmost value and provide the latest genetics to best suit your operation. Legend seeds strives to be a leader in soybean agronomy testing multiple corn hybrids and soybean varieties all through western Canada and the upper Midwest. We excel with local data to best equip your operation with the right seed.







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